
Showing posts from February, 2024

New email system

I've added a new email system to the main site, you can email me at

New instagram

I have created a new instagram account, I have a feeling I'll get disabled again for no reason, anyways you can follow my insta here  

New blog

I've improved the blog/newsroom by switching to blogger there's probably going to be more articles because I can easily create one The old articles are going to be migrated to this blog soon

Instagram disabled

As of now, a new instagram is available here . So last month, Instagram disabled my account for NO reason, in other words, a reason that makes no since. The thing is, I never use Instagram, I open it every once in a while, probably once every 2 months to follow people, and to watch stories, and just other useless bullshit Now, when I used to be identified as Google Pixel 7a on the internet, I changed by pfp on Instagram to a Google Pixel 7a, when I redesigned it, I got disabled, I guess some unknown person probably reported it and got me disabled The reason I got disabled is because I violated Meta's policy on " Account authenticity and authentic identity " My pfp on Facebook was also a Google Pixel 7a, so once I found the reason I got disabled on Insta, I changed it to a pfp with nothing Instagram reviewing my info I appealed, because its a stupid reason they banned me for. After a day, they responded. Instagram permanently disabling my account And Meta, being a company